SparkTogether 2024
When And Where
October 8
Seattle, WA

The original story-focused marketing event. Tell-all sagas. Real numbers. No recordings. Finally, in person.

0 Days Until SparkTogether
October 8th, 2024
Seattle, WA
A day-long summit — in person for the very first time.

Stories you won't hear anywhere else – because we won't record them, and we ask participants to keep speaker-requested details private (i.e. off social media).

You'll emerge a savvier, more well-rounded practitioner.

Past Highlights

The only recorded moments from SparkTogether 2022.

Thanks to past sponsors

What Folks Said About Past Summits

SparkToro is hands down the best conference I've been to in years. I've attended since the first one, and will keep attending as long as Rand and Amanda keep finding smart people willing to be radically open with the attendees.

Leslie Poston
Leslie Poston

SparkTogether is one of those rare events that's single track, well curated, and not dominated by vendor pitches. If you can only pick one marketing event for the year, this is the one.

If you can go to one marketing event per year, choose SparkTogether. The stories are juicy, the attendees are fun, and the speakers will BLOW YOUR MIND.

SparkTogether was such a refreshing divergence from all other conferences I had attended before. The speakers were REAL - not perfectly polished and robotic - but instead were laughing, crying, and telling the sometimes hard truths about business. The takeaways were much more than actionable step-by-step notes and the presentations will stick with me for a while.

What impressed me so much about SparkTogether was the actionable examples given about how to improve many aspects of marketing. I've got a to-do list of activities, not just vague inspiration.

I rarely sit through a full day conference, but I was riveted by the program. The sessions were varied and personal in a way rarely experienced. I have already bought every book and followed every resource mentioned by the speakers to keep on learning.

Beth Brodovsky
Beth Brodovsky

Confidential Case Studies

You won't hear these stories anywhere else.

We ask our speakers to present their stories unfiltered, including real numbers, financial figures, and ugly truths. That's because SparkTogether isn't recorded, and we ask all of our attendees to agree not to publicly share any pieces a speaker marks as confidential.

You won't find these presentations on Twitter, LinkedIn, blog posts, or TikToks. That's what makes SparkTogether so special – it's a once a year chance to hear these powerful stories, warts and all.

Conference Schedule

This year's schedule is coming soon!


On October 8, 2024, spend a full day in Seattle, WA with an inspiring collection of marketers, creators, and operators from eight-figure agencies, fast-growing startups, and small, indie businesses, too. With a single-track agenda and a carefully-curated speaker roster, you can expect a focused day chock full of insights. Hey, it's the “Chill Work” of conferences.

If you've been to any of our past virtual events, like the SparkTogether virtual summits or SparkToro Office Hours, you know that the friendliness and enthusiasm among our community of marketers is unmatched. Networking will be a breeze.

Stories & numbers.
Trials and triumphs.
Successes and failures.

You'll hear from agency owners who fell into pits of unprofitability and nearly shuttered their practice. You'll learn about in-house marketers who took dying companies to industry-leading growth rates with a single campaign.

You'll experience the emotional rollercoasters of campaigns that snatched victory from the jaws of defeat, and the occasional few who snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

Why SparkTogether?

We've attended a lot of conferences, a mess of livestreams, and a ton of webinars. Some of them are great… Many are not.

With SparkTogether, we're using our experience to deliver an exceptional day of outstanding programming, but we don't think that's enough.

To be worthy of your time, SparkTogether needs to provide value you can't get anywhere else. That's what we've built – an event whose format is wholly unique, focused on memorable narratives, told with passion by the people who lived them, with real metrics and outcomes revealed (even when those numbers tell an unflattering story). We think stories are the most memorable way to learn.

How Attendees Rated Past SparkTogether Summits

We asked attendees from 2022 and 2023 to rate the following aspects of SparkTogether as poor, average, good, or exceptional. Here's what they said:

98% said the speakers and their presentations were good or exceptional. (79% said exceptional!)

98% said the storytelling-focused structure was good or exceptional. (81% said exceptional!)

100% said the moderation by hosts (Amanda Natividad and Rand Fishkin) was good or exceptional. (81% said exceptional!)

Where and when?

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

SparkTogether will be held at 415 Westlake (photos below). Optional networking events will also happen the prior evening (Monday, 10/7) and post-event on the 8th.

415 Westlake Space
415 Westlake Space

When to Arrive and Where to Stay

The conference officially runs from 9:30am-5:30pm on Tuesday, October 8. We will have a non-hosted pre-conference mixer the evening prior (Oct. 7), and an afterparty when the conference ends (7-10pm Oct. 8).

We don't have an official room block, but recommend these hotels, ranked in order of shortest to longest walk from the venue:

And finally, we were able to secure a small discount on airfare for you! After you purchase your SparkTogether summit ticket, you'll receive a confirmation email with discount codes for United, Delta, and Alaska. Discounts range from 5 to 10% based on fare class.

Quality, Not Quantity

One day of exceptional value. One track—so you don't have to miss sessions.

We hand-picked eight of the finest speakers in the marketing world—folks willing to share valuable, revealing data they wouldn't anywhere else, taking questions on-stage and off. The value isn't in the number of sessions, but the sky-high signal:noise ratio.


Rand Fishkin
Rand Fishkin
Amanda Natividad
Amanda Natividad

Purchase Tickets

Price Per Ticket
SparkTogether Seattle 2024 Ticket
Only 11 left at this price
11 tickets left at $450 before prices go up to $500
Frequently asked questions about SparkTogether
Is SparkTogether in-person?

For the first time ever, SparkTogether 2024 will be in person in Seattle, WA on October 8, 2024. There will not be a virtual option.

Will I get access to the recordings and slides?
How can I get a discounted ticket?
Can I get a bulk discount?
How do I sponsor this event?
What's the summit schedule?
What are the ideal days/times for me to be at this event?
Is food provided?
Is there a hotel block?
Are there flight discounts?
Can you help me expense this?
by SparkToro®