
We all need to shoot our shot at some point, right? Here, Amanda walks you through her cold outreach tactics — and how she gets at least an 80% response rate each time.


This video was edited from our "Office Hours" Live Stream

What is Open Office Hours?

Not sure how to get the most out of SparkToro? Stuck on what audience research is? Join us for our #SparkToroHours and get your questions answered for free. We start off with a presentation, and we leave the bulk of the time for Q&A.

Ask us about marketing strategy, how to find your audience's sources of influence, how to improve your client pitches, and how to think through overall content amplification.

Join Rand Fishkin, Co-founder and CEO, and Amanda Natividad, Marketing Architect of SparkToro to learn all about audience research and what SparkToro can do for your business.

If you're wondering:

  • What is SparkToro?
  • What is audience research?
  • What is influence marketing?
  • How can I improve my marketing strategy?
  • How can I nail client pitches?

Join our live stream (most) every other Thursday at 11am PT to ask your question!
