How to Use Mental Jujitsu to Convince Your Boss/Team/Client to Make the Right Marketing Investments

“How do I convince my boss/team/client to invest in my audience’s true sources of influence? Especially when those sources are so hard to prove attribution?” Friend, I hear you. So, for this week’s 5-Minute Whiteboard, how about we try a little mental jujitsu to get everyone aligned on the reality of how the modern web works, and how people make…

Unpopular Opinion: Public Relations is the Future of Marketing

Public relations is a dying trade. Mainstream media has less influence than ever. Pitching for coverage is a thankless, fruitless task. Yeah, well, I think PR is poised for a massive comeback. Here’s why: Traditional media may have less influence, but diverse, distributed sources of influence have never, NEVER held more sway over opinions and buying behavior. The 2.5 hours…
Agencies Industry Research

The State of Digital Agencies in 2024: Client Referrals Drive Agency New Business, But Is It Enough? And Are Sales Pipelines a Cause For Concern?

Introductory note from Rand: In case you missed Paddy’s December post about this extraordinary research, let me give him a brief intro: Paddy’s had a long career in marketing agencies, and now coaches other agency owners and runs The New Leader newsletter (I’m a happy subscriber). Paddy’s contribution here cannot be overstated – he’s assembled a vast array of survey data from 612…

Why Do We Need Zero Click Marketing?

You’ve heard of zero click marketing — and yes, you definitely heard it here first. We’re talking about creating standalone value in the platforms where people hang out, instead of dropping teasers and links in hopes that people will be compelled to click over to your site. It’s marketing where people already are and speaking to them in a way…
Agencies Hiring Industry Research

The State of Digital Agencies in 2024: Big Challenges, Bigger Optimism, and Is Remote Work Here to Stay?

Introductory note from Rand: This extraordinary research was put together by the brilliant Paddy Moogan, who’s had a long career in marketing agencies, and now coaches other agency owners and runs The New Leader newsletter (to which I’m a subscriber). Paddy’s contribution here cannot be overstated – he’s assembled a mountain of survey data from 612 agency owners and consultants…
Data Industry Marketing Research SEO

New Research: We analyzed 332 million queries over 21 months to uncover never-before-published data on how people use Google

Google is a massive presence on the modern web. They’ve held 90%+ of the global search market share for 15 years. Even the rise of AI tools has been unable to budge that number (so far). They get <9% of all web visits, but send more than 60% of all referring traffic to other sites. Google is certainly one of…

If your audience’s sources of influence and your marketing budget don’t align, you’re gonna have a bad time

Yes, this is a rant. It’s a rant about where leadership teams allocate their marketing budget vs. where their potential customers actually pay attention. For most, that’s heavily in digital performance ads (Meta, Google, Apple, and if you’re in e-commerce, Amazon/Pinterest), a healthy amount in social media/brand ads (TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, maybe Reddit), and then a bit of “content marketing,”…

Is Google Losing Search Market Share?

A recent Wall Street Journal made the top of feeds in the digital marketing world, claiming that Google is on the precipice of losing the lead in the search advertising wars. Supposedly, in 2025, for the first time, Google may fall under 50% of market share in search advertising (according to an eMarketer report the WSJ cites). The WSJ points…