Data Product SparkToro

Are your customers switching to AI tools (and how much)? SparkToro’s new Search & AI Tools feature has the answers

There is a lot of activity moving to LLMs and generative AI tools right now, and for marketers, founders, and creators, the questions are almost always the same: Are my customers moving from traditional methods of discovery to these platforms? If so, how much? Starting today, SparkToro has the answers. Using clickstream panels from our partners at Datos, we’re able…
Content Marketing Product SparkToro

NEW: Topics, Interests, and Content Ideas Now Live in SparkToro V2

Starting today, SparkToro V2 has an entirely new capability—The Topics Section—that adds massive value for content strategy, content creation, and/or audience research applications. In fact, this new data is what our customers told us (in a September survey) was the most valuable missing piece in the product: Let me show you what it can do, and why I’m so excited…

How Can My Brand Appear in Answers from ChatGPT, Perplexity, Gemini, and Other AI/LLM Tools?

It’s no surprise that marketers, founders, and business owners are starting to ask how their brands can be returned in the answers given by AI/LLM tools like ChatGPT, Perplexity, and Gemini. But it’s downright shocking how difficult it is to find high-quality, accurate information about how to do this. Granted, you could just ask ChatGPT (the first answer is decent,…
Events Marketing SparkToro

How Audience Research Gave Me a Competitive Edge — And Helped Me Earn Respect From Customers

Here’s a confession: I’ve never really understood the whole “SEO-driven content strategy” thing. I mean, yeah, I understood it on an intellectual level. Step 1, go after high-volume keywords. Step 2, rank higher for the Google gods. Step 3, profit. Or something like that. But no one ever becomes a customer from reading a blog post after having Googled, “how…
Product SEO SparkToro

NEW: Ranking Pages Shows the Content Your Audience is Most Likely to Find in Search Results

Great news—the last of our three, search-focused features in SparkToro V2 has finally launched. It’s called Ranking Pages and you can now find it in the keywords section of every SparkToro report. Our next few features will focus on expanding V2’s coverage to the UK and Canada, and providing data about the ad platforms that reach an audience. But, before…
Data Product SEO SparkToro

NEW: SERP Features are now in SparkToro V2 to help you see what types of results Google shows your audience

As I promised last week, when we launched Search Modifiers in V2, SparkToro has a whole bunch of new product updates to release. The second of these arrives today: SERP Features. What is it? SERP Features aggregates all the keywords your audience searches for in Google, extracts the most common types of results Google shows, and provides the frequency (and…