Events Marketing Personal

Elite Privilege, Ivy League Schools, and Uncommon Advice for Building a Network

Geraldine and I don’t have kids, but for some reason, the last few months, I’ve spent innumerable conversations talking to our many friends with children about the tradeoffs of public vs. private schooling. As is my nature, I couldn’t help but research the topic on the web. And in nearly every piece I read, the same few messages emerge: Private…

I’m Swapping CEO Roles with Wil Reynolds of SEER

For the last 6.5 years, I’ve had a fairly singular role as CEO of a venture-backed, software startup in Seattle. While that job has brought massive amounts of growth and learning and challenges with it, I’ve often wondered what it would be like to step into someone else’s shoes and live their life for a while. Thanks to my friend,…
Events Moz Team

Vision-Based Framework

Some companies exist primarily (or exclusively) to make money. Others exist for a variety of non-financial (or pseudo-financial) reasons. But in much of the research about companies that have gone from startup to scale to world-changing status, observers found a common architecture. This architecture is vision-based, and mission driven. It starts with a core purpose and core values, then builds…
Events Marketing

11 Tips I Gave to Marketers this Morning

Today finds me blogging from Australia, where I had the privilege of keynoting SMX Sydney and participating in a site clinic (wearing an SMX lab coat, which is always fun). While looking through the show’s program guide, I discovered that I was also supposed to be on a panel today! The description read something like this: Bill Hunt and Rand…

The Help Me Help You Dinner

Try a quick thought exercise: Grab a piece of paper and a pen and jot down at least 3 or 4 ideas of the best possible way you could help your business and/or your career with $500. I want to compare those ideas against a process that costs me ~$500 and has, historically, produced incredible returns for SEOmoz and (as…

My Fall Speaking Schedule: 13 events in 9 weeks

It’s September, which means the two month season I traditionally spend mostly in Seattle (we call it “summer” even though it rarely gets to 80°) is over and my insane travel schedule’s starting up again. If you’d like to keep track of me or catch me in a particular city, I’ve created a list of events I’ll be at below.…
Events Marketing Moz Startups

Why I’m a Conference Whore

Mark Suster, whose blog and tweets I enjoy and whose investments strike me as innovative and smart wrote a blog post in October, Be Careful Not to Become a Conference Ho, that’s been grating on me. The central tenet seems wrong, or at the least, myopic. via XKCD Granted, the Internet is filled with content I find disagreeable. But, in…