Moz Startups

Our First Acquisition

You’ve likely seen the news today that Moz made its first major acquisition. It was an exciting, rewarding day at the office and an invigorating one for our team, particularly the Followerwonk folks. We’re still a very young company and so this is a bit of a test for us across the board. Acquisitions are notorious for having challenges around…
Moz Team

Diving Deep on TAGFEE

For the last 5 years, SEOmoz has lived by a set of core values collectively referred to as TAGFEE. The acronym represents the values we hold to be more important than any particular business goal (such as revenue, growth, margins, etc). And, though we believe that these values will help us be more successful in achieving those business-minded goals, we…
Moz Startups Team

What’s the Right Team Structure?

As I often note on this blog, I’m a rookie CEO who’s gotten very lucky. Much of the time, I wish I had more experience in other corporate and startup environments, so I’d better know what works and what doesn’t. I rely on other team members and a lot of outside advice for that, and I’ve been thinking that maybe,…
Hiring Moz

Keeping Amazing People on the Team

Many of my posts on this blog are intended to be broad in scope and provide an opinion, data or experience about startup/marketing paths. This one might not fit that pattern as well. Rather than describing my thoughts or collected advice from experience on startup talent retention, I’m going to instead channel feedback from our employees themselves on what keeps…

Our First Foray into NetPromoter Scores

SEOmoz’s retention team, led by the phenomenal Joanna Lord, recently completed a NetPromoter survey project. Below is what Renea (from Joanna’s team) put together and sent out. Note on how Net Promoter score is calculated: those responding with results 9 or 10 are considered promoters. Responses 0 through 6 are considered detractors. Net promoter score is reached by subtracting detractors…
Moz Startups

The Power of Support

Sarah (Moz’s COO) and I snuck in a quick 10 minute sitdown today in between some other meetings. We do this pretty regularly – informal, non-calendared check-ins to chat about the big and little things we’re both handling. Sarah’s working on a potential acquisition and getting ready for our annual audit. I’m keeping an eye on a big release planned…
Events Marketing Moz Startups

Why I’m a Conference Whore

Mark Suster, whose blog and tweets I enjoy and whose investments strike me as innovative and smart wrote a blog post in October, Be Careful Not to Become a Conference Ho, that’s been grating on me. The central tenet seems wrong, or at the least, myopic. via XKCD Granted, the Internet is filled with content I find disagreeable. But, in…